
Join ACH to Support a Professional Community for Digital Humanities

Founded in 1978, ACH provides a welcoming intellectual community and support for professional activities across the range of DH disciplines, practices, and cultures. As a member organization of ADHO (the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations), ACH connects the international DH community through conferences, discussion, and publications. Your ACH membership helps to fund student bursaries, open-access journal publication, mentoring services, development microgrants, and other important DH initiatives such as the ACH Guidelines for Assessment of Digital Scholarship in Tenure and Promotion

Membership Levels

Join ACH by visiting our membership site and selecting the appropriate option:

ACH Membership
Regular members ($40)
Student and senior members ($26)

Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) Membership
Joint membership in all constituents of ADHO ($40)

Having problems signing up? Email

Benefits of Membership

Membership in ACH is open to anyone with an interest in digital humanities. Benefits include:

Getting Help with Your Membership

A FAQ is maintained by ADHO for all its member organizations. If you have any questions about ACH membership, please contact our membership officers.

Some Membership Numbers

ACH is a small but committed and vibrant professional association. Between 2015 and 2020, our membership has held between 350 and 460 individual members, among the 600-800 members of the various ADHO constituent organizations.

ACH members hail from 21 countries worldwide, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Japan, Ireland, Spain, Finland, Mexico, Switzerland, Norway, the Netherlands, Italy, France, Belgium, New Zealand, the Russian Federation, Portugal, Luxembourg, and China. In 2012, North American members represent about 75% of the whole, with 17% of ACH members hailing from European countries and 8% from the Asian/Pacific region.

We welcome new members from all over the world, and encourage you to contact with any questions, or to let us know how ACH and ADHO can better serve you.