ACH Guidelines for Assessment of Digital Scholarship in Tenure and Promotion

This document was prepared by the Executive Board of the ACH during the Fall and Spring of 2015-16. Feedback from the community was solicited in the summer of 2016, and incorporated over the following months.


Following the lead of scholarly societies in some of the disciplines most actively represented in digital humanities work, the Association for Computers and the Humanities is putting forth some draft guidelines for the evaluation of digital scholarship in tenure and promotion processes. We are grateful to the Modern Language Association, the American Historical Association, Emory University, University of Southern California, Texas A&M, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the NINES Institute on Evaluating Digital Scholarship, and our many colleagues for doing the work on which we base our guidelines.


Assessment process

Some metrics for assessing tools, projects, and platforms

 Digital projects take a variety of forms. These include the production and/or publication of data sets, results of analysis, inquiry into existing corpora through digital means, archives, metadata, as well as the creation of tools and platforms.

Overall Evaluation       

Impact and dissemination

Candidate responsibilities

Departmental responsibilities

As in all tenure and promotion reviews, candidates’ work should be assessed by scholars in relevant fields of study, not only in digital humanities.

Professional association responsibilities